See the link below for a 20% off offer with DroneSec, they offer practical courses to start or advance your understanding of Counter-UAS. https://training.dronesec.com/a/sref_pttl0k9m/external?referral_code=XCEE99
Any and all information I post will be obtained through open source materials, and any views or opinions expressed will be my own.

DJI are they still leading the pack?
With other drone companies pushing more products out the simple question is; is DJI still ahead of the competition?
In 2016 DJI owned 90% of the commercial of the shelf market as time has gone on new and existing companies have pushed onto the market for example Autel, Parrot, Skydio. Each of these has there own systems, each with it own selling point.
Skydio, hands down the best autonomous of the shelf drone going at present no-one has anything close to it. Main draw backs its a small company in comparison, and doesn't ship to many countries.
Parrot, the new Anafi USA a masterpiece of a drone so much so military units are using it. Only problem when you put it up against an equivalent DJI its £3000 more and you don't get all round sensors, up side though it is IP rated.
Autel, is in my opinion the closest rival DJI, their drones are similar in everyway but Autel go out of there way to try and be one step ahead of DJI. But like with Parrot, Autel comes with a bigger price tag, with that though you do get no Geo-Fencing (depends how you look at it that's good and bad).
So answering the question is DJI still ahead of the competition? Simple answer Yes, its going to take a lot from companies to get on par with DJI when you look at the products they produce they cover the whole market. You go from the sub 250g drone and cover all the bases up to heavy lift sub 25kg drones. They are extremely well priced and they come with safety features like Geo-Fencing (which in my opinion all drones should have to ensure safe practice). I have no doubt that other companies will catch up with DJI but not anytime soon.
Any and all information I post will be obtained through open source materials, and any views or opinions expressed will be my own.

General overview of CUAS Detect methods
So last time we went over counter systems which are widely regulated and in most cases illegal to use unless your a certified agency or military/police. This time we're going over the detect methods far less rules and regulations cover this method and in most cases these are legal to use with only the training you get when you purchase the system. As with the defeat method there are a few different types each will have its good and bad points. Below I will briefly describe how each works, keeping it simple and without the technological mumbo jumbo that goes with it.
Radio Frequency (RF)Detection
RF Detection works by picking up the communication/video link. DJI created a system called AeroScope that works on the same principle picking up and relaying the pilot and drones position on to a map(only works with DJI drone). In most cases more than one detector is required for it to track both pilot and drone position. Main disadvantage is if a drone is preprogrammed with its route and there is no link to the ground station likely not to pick up the drone.
There are 2 main types of radar Active and Passive and they work exactly the same as they would do for manned aircraft but are able to pick up smaller objects.
Active: This type of radar emits a pulse and waits for the reflect signal to come back.
Passive: Whereas passive uses the signals already out there to identify signals.
Both types have there good points and in an open area are probably the best but being so sensitive they are able to pick up numerous objects that require a system to identify and classify the object.
These type of sensors have been used for ages to identify the location of explosions or rocket sites on military operations. It was only natural to have it migrate to C-UAS, using a series of microphones the system listens out for the drones engine, propellers, etc. Using multiple sensors it can then pick up the drones location. Main draw back is the database of UAS noises changes daily with new tech, new ancillaries, meaning the systems has to be kept up to date for it to be effective.
Electro-Optical using cameras you scan the sky once it identifies a threat it goes through a database of drones and overlays that drone on to a map nice and simple. The draw back with this is it has to see the drone to be able to classify it so in a built up area pretty useless.
A really short and sweet description of each system. On their own each system will work but you will be left with holes in your defenses. The best strategy for the best defense is a system that encompasses two or more of the systems above and using a command and control system gets all of the systems to work as one.
Any and all information I post will be obtained through open source materials, and any views or opinions expressed will be my own.
Next time
RPAS/SUAS - Autel the company aim for DJI
C-UAS - Mobile phone drone detectors!!